Phil Brabbs Has Cancer
This sucks:For Brabbs, a former kicker for the University of Michigan who kicked one of the most famous field goals in Wolverines’ history, his next battle is on the horizon.Diagnosed with Multiple...
View ArticleUnverified Voracity Eschews True Style
Annoying reminder. Acquire your cancer kicker bracelets by donating on the right sidebar and help out Phil Brabbs. You will feel like much less of a heel after you do this. Brabbs and his wife also...
View ArticleUnverified Voracity Burns More Boats
Liveblog help. The liveblog needs more assistance, lest the current moderators die in a hail of comments. If you've participated in the commenting frequently, have a decent bank of MGoPoints, and would...
View ArticleUnverified Voracity Has Tire Tracks On Forehead
Let's get Denarded. Since it will be on the message board forever and ever amen and discussed until the weekend: e-reports say that Tate Forcier's facebook status yesterday was about having a bad day...
View ArticleUnverified Voracity Avoids Rake, Steps On Rake
Yes please. Google is going to turn some city into the future by hooking them up with crazy gigabit fiber lines. That is one gigabit per second. That is 100 times faster than current high speed lines....
View ArticleMailbag Is Talkin' Nebraska
Hey Brian, Phil Brabbs is going into the hospital for his second stem cell transplant tomorrow, and for the past few weeks they've been trying to hit a goal of 5000 fans for, the...
View ArticleOf The Decade: Best Plays Part II
Previously in this series:ESPN Images, Michigan's offense, Michigan's defense, Worst Plays of The Decade 7-11, Worst Plays 1-6, Best Plays Part I.6. Buffalo Stampede2003 Minnesota: trailing 14-0,...
View ArticleUnverified Voracity Hires Train Monkey
Brabbs reminder. Chicagoans: Phil Brabbs is having a fundraiser this weekend for the Indiana game, which Michigan will DOMINATE. Offer still stands on the Brabbs shirts, BTW: buy one, get five bucks...
View ArticleUnverified Voracity Says Never Mind The New Era
Sponsor note. You may have spotted the MGoPatio button on the left sidebar, and wondered "what is that"? If you're a guy with corporate events to plan or you want to host a killer personal event, it's...
View ArticleHokepoints: The Marlin-Brian Q&A
photoshoppers, start your GNUsSo we did the meet and greet Q&A thing, and other than the liveblog portion being pretty much a disaster, A+++ would do again. I couldn't type fast enough to keep up...
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